My Three Days (Daze) Of Christmas (Over Ten Days)
On the first day of Christmas past
I made one bottle of Mead last
Said to someone, wearing reindeer horns
"You're looking ***** tonight" no porns
Went outside to vape, yay merrily
Got passed something interesting, of my tree, yay verily!
On my second day, of christmas present
Drank two bottles of Mead so pleasant
Demonstrated time flying, using a xmas tree clock ornament
The intended catcher dropped it, no time for this tournament
I later broke into tears, all full of emotions
Drowned in my sorrows, that filled the worlds oceans
On the third day of my christmas future, that's been
I turned up the same, as a hippy chic queen
Was bestowed with an halo, and angel wings
Drank tea, ate munchies, did a quiz, and that kind of thing
Although my sciatica, has come back with a vengeance
Had a really lovely day, perchance
On the fourth day of christmas, in all
Past, present, and future, i had a ball
Although i failed making time fly, tis done
Overall, i think, i mostly had fun
Experienced a myriad of emotions, good, bad, and covered in clover
My celebrations, this year, are now finally over
So merry christmas, one, and all
Enjoy yourselves, and try not to fall
Don't drink to much, or throw clocks high
Especially fragile christmas tree ones, although time did kind of fly
And if anyone offers you, a smoke-able non-oven ready joint
Well, it's interesting venturing into wormholes, losing the plot, then the point!
by Jemia