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Aug 2013
the tape spins . . . in over-reel
haphazard lines in convulsed black

Clear and still lake . . .                                                                  ­    hardly a ripple on the blue matter
Step to water’s edge . . .                                                                ­   hesitant eyes briefly touch the surface
Heel lifts into the arch of civilisations hanging . . .                      humming inside-tunes
Foot pendulous and . . . toes dipping                                             aching-slow sink in
clean and      . . .  s u b m e r g e d
Then rising, a single drop escapes . . . sweet                                 h   e    a    l

Step forward . . . into the void . . . it has been waiting . . .               sacrosanct

the flourish . . . to reach . . . constant  . . .                                            oh, it is here

( . . . )

this is
the truest understanding
to me . . . undeniable life-spring*

S T, 29 Augmented 2013
globe spins on . . . time for a beach-walk and smell that fresh, salty air . . . despite whatevr :)
not gonna go bitin' me elbows.

sub-entry : heron’s call

sparkle of dew on leaf-tips
trail of dead earthworms
flattened by the wheels . . . on wet tar
feel the veritable tremors of the heron’s call . . . echo
beseeching to the others

muted rumours of a vagrant’s death in hostile chill
against backdrop of giant stone-face
table-cloth long dissipated . . . by now
icicles hang with plaintive air in another realm
of land-locked drought
where obscenely-rich jetsetters sport their latest Pontiac or Porsche
subconsciously remember bonds of care
amidst tipsy tinkles of flibbertigibbets
a drink the cost of their kin’s weekly wages and
deign to pop with cordial air-kisses and leftover-humanity
to down-and-broke parents who offer freshly-steeped oolong to half-hearted ingrates

stepping aside the hangman’s hope
round that perilous bend
into that iconoclastic gut’s-trail as smeared revealings
whose juddering disciple turns out not a plagiarist
he had seen the lofty bird take flight and burst to flame
before their latent eyes

dismay can well hold hands with anticipated pitch  
yet leather-strapped feet trudge on
as not only eyes, but meagre spool rolls on . . . closer . . . closer . . . closer
every moment framed by minded pellucidity

hands in ill-assorted gloves . . . no matter
they fit
all fine and fitting wholly . . . within that heron’s call

it all fits somehow . . . in the trans-coloured emblem of a winded prism                            
wǒ ài nǐ;_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_2TGkBf7vMQ
Written by
st64  flaming arrow
(flaming arrow)   
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