Never mind me.. I'm just spiraling out sometimes turning.. within self's yearning... And needful of touching things.. Inside Me where there's, my dissatisfactions. I'm alone and un-alone. Because the drive to stay content with being such a workaholic its cool beans. and its company enough for me. All the while needing untouched things. Seen in dreams.. while the yearning of things.. Picks up steam. I'm a girl dissatisfied.. A woman dreaming. A Queen Worker Bee. Nourishing Needed things. Being me the she I be,,. So in love with the idea of a He. a Him. Finding a me.. as vulnerability lets Me be free. To give this complex yet beautiful. ready to love Me. Poetry.. Me.. Not seeking a toy boy a ******* toy But a serious H.e.. That will accept a S.h.e Like m.e. SelinaSharday..
A s.h.e sweet heavenly enchanting m.e m.e magnetic..ebony enthralling m.e H.e H.i.m He is mine. Her Ebony!