Civil Rights, Civil Rights and Civil Rights Freedom with a fight Fed up with plight It was walk and talk A battle that had to be fought The message got out All that happened moving about Greyhound took the message across the nation It became the Freedom Riders presentation Opposition tried to stop Name calling in mock Freedom stands for all It was no time to stall Greyhound’s rolling wheels focused enroute The company supported what the Freedom Riders were trying to do It was a mission the Freedom Riders had to pursue Civil Rights being a follow through Freedom Riders knew they couldn’t tire The struggle couldn’t be an expire The multitude of voices in shout The Freedom Riders stood ******* principles They were the anecdote with a cure Freedom simply needed to be secure Multitude strong with pride It was togetherness in the Freedom Riders stride Civil Rights is still an issue today The world must take a stand all the way There can’t be a command with a demand Justice is for throughout the land Thank You Freedom Riders for the path This is not the last Greyhound thanks for the Civil Rights destination As for the Freedom Riders, you are the face of the nation.