I did not wonder at the sound of the Earth beneath my feet I did not tremble with the ground when it’s plates begin to shake The Earth is a creature of power And humankind has stood too long in denial of her hardship I had forgotten her Even as she screams out - Her earthquakes and violent upheaval- Her sorrow goes unheard mourning the loss of her sacred places She cries out once again And the universe around us howls with Her Yet, I have ignored her This secret mother of all life Her one desire has gone without notice We live like we’ll always be here. Perhaps, we should worry more- The Earth shall not stop her tears And when she melts So shall we
Oh children born into fear Take care of your Earth Or you shall be right to Fear Her Violence Oh child of fear You are inside me today But I fear it is too late All the yesterdays of youth have washed away I am left with only my island And a growing gnawing in my brain that- I too shall be shallowed with the screaming Earth
Children should not have to fear They will not see their Earth Whole Because of us.