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Nov 2021
An entire team 
each player unique 
individually designed 
with specific roles 
making up my heart 
telling me how to feel 
playing together within
practicing hard to compete 
always looking for the win
acquainted with defeat 
reading the competitions 
An entire crowd 
each person unique 
individually made 
with specific roles 
making up my mind 
telling me how to decide
reacting together within 
paying attention to the game 
regardless loss or win 
acquainted with defeat 
reading the teams 
An entire man
extremely unique 
collectively created 
an entire team for a heart 
an entire crowd for a mind 
living life based off feeling 
leading with his heart 
winning and losing battles 
transfering energy from 
his heart to his mind 
fueling his decisions 
Written by
RobbieG  31/M/U.S
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