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Nov 2021
I watch the sun rise
In your shining hazel eyes
Found myself lapsing
Into outer extremities
Beyond the countryside
Where I reside
I find superlative beauty
In your eternally delectable land

All I want to do was gawp
At your consuming hotness
Let the day pass away
As stayed daydreaming
About kissing your ritzy, thick lips
Take my time unweaving
Your handsomeness
Your myriad manliness

Sift my fingers through
Your captivatingly vigorous
And silky black beard
Sink into every ebullient
Entrance within you
As I find myself loving you more
All the imagination and sweetness
Intermixed in your existence
All the luscious red and pink roses
That grow and flourish
In the gardens of your gorgeousness

You got me trapped in a time loop
So utterly hooked on the way
You radiate sensual magic
How you send me into tempting
Trails of ecstasy that makes
It hard to not breathe in your heat

Boy, you got me going and coming
Ebbing and flowing, slipping into
Into treasures oceans pervading
With fantasies of what I want us to be
Fusing our illuminating and unfailing flames
Embracing whatever ensues
Knowing that where we are
Is where we are supposed to be
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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