This world in which we live Is in a horrible mess People don’t talk And people don’t care We wear our anger Like a badge of pride We keep ourselves hidden In a place inside When will love prevail So that we can see A world that is shiny And new and free And instead we keep ourselves Hidden way inside We’re afraid to speak We’re afraid to cry I watch all this With a tear and a sigh For until we talk We may as well die
I hold onto that Which was before People who cared And people who were more Than a blank slate Without emotions People who hide And have lost their devotion I am hurt at the core To see empty faces People who lie And have lost their graces Will it ever come back Has our innocence been lost Will we hide and cringe Will we ever defrost Will we ever remember How it used to be When people felt And would not flee We need to learn now How to live authentically To show our true selves And to finally be free Please wake up now Before it’s too late Our future is not lost We can still change our fate By opening our eyes Our ears, and our hearts By pulling together All of our parts Walking proud and ***** As the people we are Human beings with hearts With our soul as the star