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Nov 2021
I look at your silky smooth
Rippling muscles and I abruptly
Cling to your powerful hairy chests
Feeling the zealousness of your presence
Earthy masculine redolence
Captivating my senses
Strong, sensational arms
That I long to embrace
To be confined to your continent
Never turn away from your hot **** loving

Up in the morning, I am already
Craving for electric kisses
Feel your incredibly delish lips
Beguiling eyes that I sink inside of
Into the perpetual limits of bliss
To be fused with you in foreverness
Our worlds streaming in unity
Skin to skin, relishing the intense tingles
The pleasurable, distinct feelings
Of smooth eroticism that takes over our thoughts
That has us hungering to feel and explore each other
Taste your hairy masculine world as you taste
My fascinating feminine treats, weakening me
With your deep ****** touches
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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