I must profess that I’m obsessed With his prepossessingness His poetic skillfulness His idyllic and serene nature I seep into his masterpiece And I find my thoughts Are more perplexed than ever
How could he have great control over me? How come when I see him All I want to do is run to him And give him an undoubtedly affectionate hug Rub his brilliantly celestial beard His smooth, sweet-smelling cheeks
Look him in his captivatingly scintillating eyes And see the passion emanating Ravishing eyelashes I am so wild about He is all I can write about All the detailed and creative poetry That flows on every page I compose
It makes no sense for my vessel To be streaming in him like this To be imagining him as a fresh South-west breeze approaching me So effortlessly ebullient, as a dreamy And exotic summer, somewhere for me To be immersed in, revering his allurement