To devote my life to my son To gaurantee he will get A COLLEGE DEGREE and end this Lifetime of pain So for future generations to come Possible future Grandaughters and Grandsons You will not suffer at the hands Of the ones that love you the most Because i decided your Dad was the man for the job Because i decided to choose love Because the pain I was dealt Hurt me enough to not give up But to gaurantee my loved ones Will never have to measure to the pain I WAS DEALT THE PAIN I FELT I WANT CONSTANT CHANGE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION TO BREAK THE CHAINS OF THIS LIFE' S DEVIL TO GIVE MY FAMILY A FIGHTING CHANCE let me live that long let me sing that song Let me achieve that goal Let me save my future SOULS Forget my plans forget me as a man But please let me gain A life without strain A life with future brains of being PURE