A peacock wanders in your thoughts In such a curious form It jumps and leaps or limps and struts And goes not whence it's come It seems at first as if it's whole But then a closer look Reveals that it's just half a fowl Or half an ugly rook On half a pair of legs it trips Then half a fall it takes Half a drop of blood then drips And half a squawk it makes Half a flight and half a heart And half the thought of it Serves to tear my mind apart The thought of half it's meat Or half the sleep it takes when half The night had passed and then I feel as if on it's behalf I'd dream like half of men The tides of nature push us forth Toward affections shores Past the storms that ****** mirth And fill with fear our pores And life's boat seems to seek to sink And fall with ease beneath The waves -it titters on the brink- That cut like fearsome teeth Half a pair of hands that rows Must seek another half A helping hand that feels and grows Comforting with a laugh Perhaps to safety both can sail Perhaps to greener lands The half might not when one half fails Perhaps it understands. I wished to make this half it's length Or make this line it's half The peacock turned whole when it learnt To find it's better half Half of me and half of you Could make good poems and more Our halves become more real and true More worthy to adore.