I was asked, not for the first time, to describe myself. Everyone is asked this question at least once in their life. I wonder if everyone struggles, like I do, to define yourself in a brief and acceptable way We are all asked what are our interests? What food do we like? What places have we seen? But how do you even begin to tell someone that your favorite place is not special; at least, not in the traditional sense. My favorite place is a bridge by a river where at least once every so often they find someone dead. I like it because the river makes a sound in between a sigh and a bubble; like the whooshing of wind without the commitment to the sky. It is not a beautiful bridge. It is old, and concrete, and covered in moss and graffiti of unsavory sayings. But underneath the bridge, there are large stones and pillars where you can sit and watch the water and wonder. How do you tell someone all of that? Of course, you don't. You tell them 'I don't know, what about you?' and go your separate ways, knowing you've both been vague.