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Oct 2021
Perhaps one fine day
we'll all wake up emotionally stunted
years of maturity and refinement will have evaporated
logic and rationale will be things of the paste
virtue and humanity will be base opines
and in bliss our minds will thrive
in negativity and pettiness
perhaps one fine day
envy and malice will hold sway as our beacon
and we'll all be proud owners
of grudging and poisoned minds
and make halcyon days
plotting ways and means to bring miseries to others
and find solace and enrichment
in laments and wonderful hatred that uplifts our souls
and celebrate that noble humans
can be baser and more retrograde than the lowest of animal
perhaps one fine day
yes, one beautiful radiant summer blue skied fine day
in all this
we will all wake up
look at ourselves and hold our heads up high
and say
we are human, noble and the best of creations
Perhaps one fine day
Written by
Yenson  M/London
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