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Oct 2021
There are many permutations
of petting and heavy petting does
no necessarily mean we need to
go down to the local RSPCA and
adopt a Rhinoceros.

We can pet a cat or kitten, a dog
or puppy, keep it simple, start

If one has no place to house an
animal or is not permitted to do
so in the terms of a lease, there
is an alternative, don’t despair.

An organisation has been set up
especially to cater for those who
wish to protect but can’t pet.

P.                     E.         T.             A.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

So, don’t feel as though you are
not permitted to be part of a
universal organisation of people
who can PET with pity and no
need for Kitty Litter or **** Scoops.
Ryan O'Leary
Written by
Ryan O'Leary  Mallow.
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