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Oct 2021
I flew into your dope
Explosion of affection
Felt your essence
Before I landed
Your unabridged effervescence
Your full moist lips
Your wild and outstanding beard

I lodged in your long
And romantic labyrinth
Developed exceedingly
Deep feelings for you
Waiting for our hands to interlace
To taste your admirably
Hairy and strapping chest

And as I journeyed
Through your universe
Seeing your manly design
Flourish before my eyes
I excessively enjoyed
Your gorgeous masterpiece
Your sun-kissed sight
My mellow light flight
My bright mulatto delight
Loving and giving
Solacing and sweetly healing
How I could never fly away
From your entrancingness
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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