Welcome aboard and buckle up Prepare for takeoff Let me introduce myself, I am the Pilot of words On this flight, you will learn about this flying bus The company is well known and you will be surprised Now it is time for me to emphasize You heard of flying cars that turn into a plane That’s the future, and moving forward will remain But my story is about a flying bus Yes, it surrounds the Greyhound bus Imagine a stretched hound being the trademark on an actual plane It is a known fact, but let me take you back It was in 1996, the Greyhound Air started its Canadian Flight Passengers left from the various Canadian Airports Greyhound had taken to the friendly skies that became an enterprise The Parent Company was Greyhound Canada However, the airlines business was short lived, and ceased operations in 1997 If someone says when dogs learn to fly Just emphasize, the Greyhound dog did it in a big way as it had wings, and took to the air Don’t be surprised with strange responses that you might get Maybe even wager with them in a bet I am a witness that Greyhound did fly It was an illusion You can draw your own conclusion The air was the Greyhound way That’s the story told today Enjoy your flight in every way.