It can happen to anyone,
listen son,
or are you a mum,
sister, brother, nephew,
grandmother, partner, lover,
grandfather cover
Open your eyes and, realise
the forms that exist,
and, take place in life,
no myth
Never accept things,
that don't make you strive
and, affect your daily lives
© 2021 Carol Natasha Diviney
I have almost finished a course with Sheffield University Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence.
I am also a professional on LinkedIn.
Information below;
DVA is a gender-based crime, but it can happen to anyone
Violence Against Women (VAW) abuse from male perpetrators.
Men, women and transgender people in straight, gay or lesbian relationships can all perpetrate and experience DVA. However, it is important to recognise that DVA is experienced disproportionately by women and perpetrated predominantly by men.
The violence that women experience is more repeated and systematic, more severe and more likely to result in injury or death. Men, as current intimate partners or ex-partners, remain the most common perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).