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Oct 2021
Well Now Let Me Be ******...
If Most Peoples’ Lives...
Aren’t Just One BIG SHAM... !!!
Because Exposure of Lies...
Has Now Become...
A Thing That Runs...
Now Corona Has Come... !!!
Twenty Twenty It’s Said...
Gives PERFECT Vision... !!!
Well It Did RESET...
And Create Conditions...
That Now Have Steered...
The TRUTH Towards Ears...
And EXPOSED The Fears...
of Those Who’ll Adhere...
To... Vaccine Drives...
Claimed To Save Our Lives... ?!?
So Have Quickly Compromised...
So They Can Get To Go Outside...
And Get On With Their Life... !!!
Well I’ll Be ******... !!!
If Those Who CLAIMED...
That They Stand AGAINST The MAN... !!!
Haven’t QUICKLY Changed Their Stance...
And Done The... OPPOSITE of THAT... !!!  
And Have Run Like The Flash...
To Get Back That Cash...
That Corona TOOK AWAY...
When These Lockdowns Came...
So Will They Be ******... ?!?
For These Claims That They’ve Made...
That DON’T Make The Grade...
of Standing AGAINST...
How Governments Play...
The Same Old Game... !!!
And Stating... THAT...
To Keep People Trapped...
In A Place That’s ******... !!!
If They WON’T Do...
What They’re TOLD To Do... !!!
The HARSHEST Truths...
Are Now... IN VIEW... !!!
Just Look At Who...
Has Signed Up To...
Vaccination Pools...
And Have Quickly Queued...
To Get Their SHOT... ?!?
Their Shot of WHAT... ?
They Don’t Have A Clue... ?!?
But Because of FEAR...
And What They HEAR...
From Political Spheres...
About How POTENT...
This Corona Potion...
Is Proving To Be...
They’ve Accepted Vaccines...
And Technology...
That May Well ****...
EVER Being... FREE...
To Truly Move FREELY...
As Well As ****...
Folks To... Disease... ?!?
If Immune Systems...
Are Being Weakened...
By Shots That Wreak...
of Effects That Seek...
To... WEAKEN Bodies... !?!
Which Is Just A Theory... !!!
But I Guess I’ll Be ******...
For Speaking On Conspiracies...
That May Well Just Be...
... TOTAL FALLACY... ?!?
Like Men Who Embark...
On... Having Families...
Where They Are Daddies...
When In Truth They Really...
Like **** Up Their ****... !?!
Well I’ll Be ******...
What’s Up With That... ?!?
And What’s Up With These Chicks...  
Who Choose To **** Their *****... ?!?
Time And AGAIN...
When These Men Want MEN... ?!?
And Let’s Quickly Look At...
These Heads of Finance...
Who AVOID Paying Tax... !!!
Shouldn’t They Be ******...
For Doing Stuff Like That... ?!?
And As For Some Blacks...
Well I’ll Be ******... !!!
If They Don’t Lie...
About Their Hatred of Whites...
Because They’re The Type...
To QUICKLY Fall In Line...
With The Type of White Guys...
Who... AREN’T So Nice... !?!
And Will Do ANYTHING...
To Get Between White Thighs...
And DON'T You Dare Think...
That These Black Women...
Ain’t About White ****... !?!
Because I’ll Be ******...
If **** That’s Black...
And DARKER Than Clans...
of These Ku Klux Mans... !!!
Is Where They Be At...
Instead of Round Cash...
That White ***** Have... !!!
As I’ve Said Before...
I Now Know The Score...
When Your Skin Tones Light...
You’ll Do Alright...
And Will Get A Pass...
To Tap Some Light Skinned ***...
And That’s A... FACT... !!!
Now When It Comes To...
.... Some Rastas....
Well I’ll Be ******...
If I Haven’t Heard Chatter...
From... Certain Mans...
Who YES Have LOCKS...
But Have Truly Been Shocked...
By... How Their Living...
Is... SYSTEM Driven... !?!
And How They’re Thinking...
Has Certain Things MISSING...
When It Comes To How...
They Are System Hounds...
For Dollars And Pounds...
Instead of Living Off Grounds...
Where Freedom Allows...
A Way For Them...
To REJECT The System... !!!
And That Right There...
Is Where I’ll End...
Because It’s True...
You’re Being A FOOL...
If You Choose To Believe...
Everything That You See...
......... In Society.......
And The CLAIMS People Make...
In The Things That They SAY...
Because Many Can’t Back...
What They Say With... FACTS...
So Put Up BIG ACTS... !!!
Which Is Probably Why...
Most Are FRIGHTENED To Die...
Because Most of Them Know...
That When It’s Time To Go...
That They’ll Be FAST Tracked...
To A Place Where They’ll Be...
...... “ ****** “...... !!!
I truly am shocked at how this Coronavirus has exposed, just how many people deal in, lies and hypocrisy, hence this poem.
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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