As the petals fell through her fingers as she clutched onto the thorny stems and as the blood dripped down her wrist she did collapse and started to cry
The rose she held was tainted with poison and the sting on her fingertips made the pale moon spout tears her love and honour cut a new democracy
She was sane once before she loved the rose the coal that time despises, she drops to the floor this last of summers roses faded to black and her confession is all they ask for, as they stretch her on the rack
But she of charity and faith, will do what all must do she will stay in silence, tortured in vile violence yet her lips are sealed to protect the lamb and as was told a thousand years ago, and she understands
She is the blood red rose the forgiveness of mankind the child of love she is Christ's rose and time
By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris By NeonSolaris