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Sep 2021
You are selfish
Don't be expecting to get my babies from me.
You accused me for years.
Yet you still act so innocent.
Grown *** man
Can't be an adult
Has to put everything on reverse
Put every little lie on me.
I'm pretty sure every one knows you
And you do that to me.
Everyone knows you.
I don't have to tell anyone
Cause they already know
You lied to my face.
When i seen you cheating.
You come back inside throwing me around.
Almost beating me up.
Cause I caught you.
You still denied the two little boys we have together.
You keep saying
"They're not mine".
So 6 or 7 years going on with this pretend life you wanted.
Babies you say that aren't yours.
I think I'm done here.
He knows I'm pregnant with my 4th. His 3rd biological baby with me.
And he still says it's not his.
So i think I'm done.
Me and my little ones are going to go hide in a shelter somewhere.
You don't deserve us.
Wheres your fukking *****.
I'm sorry i bothered having your babies.
Or whoever babies you think these are.
Only I know.
I'm too honest
I'm too loyal.
No man is going to tie me down.
Or put me 6 feet under.
After this pregnancy
I'm tieing the notts.
No more babies for me.
Because there father doesn't have *****.
All he wants is baby making ***.
He can't even admit these are his babies he has with me.
But whatever.
Go live a lie by yourself.
Jessica Head
Written by
Jessica Head  28/F/Fort A La Corne
(28/F/Fort A La Corne)   
     Bogdan Dragos and Jessica Head
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