A Man named Ronald Allen But he was best known as Ron He worked diligently in Group 2 Maintenance of Rochdale Village Mr. Allen was someone who would hold a conversation He could make you laugh and himself at that same time He had given me good advice But his personality was ever so nice The Cooperators of Building 6 saw him more than just a Maintenance Man He was everyone’s friend Mr. Allen would respond to any Cooperator issue, but he was a man of action being in demand I will miss see Mr. Ronald Allen in the Building 6 Lobby See you in Heaven I won’t be hard to find I know where to find someone who was kind You don’t want anyone of us to cry Your soul is resting in peace with thy You are in good hands Heaven called, and you were their demand Your tomorrow came quick Your life your legacy in remembrance Thank you for your time on Earth In our hearts, you gave us a new birth Heaven lifted your soul Your Departure is Heaven’s behold Until we meet again