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Sep 2021
Nothing eternal as the sentry of thoughts
surfaced with course memos
under trees were branches
while the terse sky
imposes roots from hell
older yearly wanton grueling haughty suppressed
breaking from sundown
Into 3 fingered humanoid flickers of empathy
or simply understanding
as the drain on alacridity
sends drudge of depression new flights
Light the strolls encase the toes
running brave yet stamper out cursive strokes of the body
staked for xerox belay on heavens on belay
Only without your senses
forces fraught jasmine glops of Freon jolts
collected by gutter fed demi cost frequency more or less
Another evening years stretched by
glassy faith cut with fire cool waters
doubtless familiars
yet never understanding as the dreams never arrive
They juxtapose should I be sunk or
I weeds assail oiled by grease of existence
fall into another blank reality of holding
who calls a namesake and savior
Or can be fraught conscious marks
alight on scratches metaphysical
continue the dance
to avail for there's an awe omnificent Empress
Couldn't think of name so it went as untitled until another poetry forum helped me realize that Changes works quite well
Written by
KorbydAngyle  50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles
(50/M/Hyde Park Los Angeles)   
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