Your bringing me conversational cups of brewing rich coffee. It's usually mild cream with mystery. I like coffee. I like cream. But sugar is the missing theme. You share 4 oz cups just to sooth us enough. But I need your rich caring tsp of artificial sugars. Somethings better then nothing coated taste that delivers. I like flavors rich in lasting destiny. You speak of being always in time softness private luxury. I need sugar stirred in our coffee. The thing you keep from me is the thing craved of my femininity. Sharing sips at times makes me feel it's all I need. In the heat of a latte with it's amazing smoke even though the vapors are freed. Come to me, feel me in my absence. Like the warmed luscious coffee you leave behind from your presence. Breath simmered with womanly sugars representing glitters. In sugars pantry flowers sultry whispers.. I want your sugars. Without fears. Like there's no fears in the views of our locked in eyes. Glancing deeply searching wonderfully. Repeatedly stop and compliment the honesty in its longevity. My mood is rooted in what you bring. In you I'm free and my joyfulness is clearly seen heard felt vibrating. Give me that unspoken seen. Coffee flattering filled to the brink sweetly lasting comforted cup brewed in-like thing. You and your rustic secrets. Dared consumed needed subjects. Enjoying us our timed majesticals. Coffee caffeine finesticals. Café Sade Coffee @play. I want sugar in this coffee sprinkled nicely my way. Heightened lip bitten. You know the things I do are wild feel good exciting! Your Final touch you bring, mingled with mine is so Igniting.