To: General Dunces Of The Red Solidarity Army Whitescapegoaters Field Command Dumbdumb Barracks
General Dunces Sir, We report that we have deployed as many units as possible in our covert Psyche Warfare and marshalled all available Useful Idiots and Flying Monkeys as we can find.
Unfortunately we do not appear to have made any progress so far, despite the operational logistics at our disposal, we just appear to be doing the same things over and over and over again with no apparentΒ Β results. As ordered, we have made pre-emptive strikes only to discover we are merely pre-emptying ourselves. All these in addition to all the other tactics from our Stasis Branch.
We intercepted a quizzical communique from our Subject which reads as follows below:
'Tell them some of us have Emotional Intelligence,
That's why we don't disgrace ourselves by burgling our next door neighbour.
That's why we do not try extorting money by blackmail to keep secret the our chanced-upon knowledge of Regency connection.
That's why we work hard and honestly to earn our keep and not go begging and borrowing
That's why we we do not spend what money we have drinking and drugging and being dysfunctional social trash.
That's why we live within our means and don't go envying those that can afford what we cannot.
That's why we are not criminals and gangsters with no morals or consciences who are deranged avaricious lying scums.
That's why we don't have the immaturity, insecurities, inadequacies and weaknesses that bullies and cowards have.
We are not all these because we have intelligence, emotional intelligence, honesty, morality, work ethic, tolerance, self-respect, consideration, and respect for others.
General, this intercepted message is rather puzzling to us and we believe it is a coded message and its about a future planned attack. We have sent it to our Decoding Departing for further analysis. You notice word 'Intelligence' is repeated quite a few times. Sir, I believe this is a direct reference to their Secret Service. Yes Sir I do believe this is a very clever coded message and we should redouble all our efforts.
This concludes my Report General, we are on High Alert Sir We await further Orders.