Pray to connect Let spiritual have effect Pray for a world to understand Let Heaven sustain One day the World will But will the world have peace and be still We need to be guided by the Holy One in direction After all, it was through the Holy One in creation But one must listen to what God’s words are saying Heaven calls the shots It’s not a question whether you like it or not But the world refuses to answer Be obedient and follow One can’t be hollow All voices praying to Heaven Help the world Heaven’s answer Devoted heart In God we trust and serve World, just observe The Lord is counting on us He controls the left and right But the world continues in taking it light This is why the world remains in a plight Merciful in plain sight Believe you will see hope Understand and you will be able to cope One day, I hope the world sees Faith one day Stir away to pray to Heaven One day for all The answer will be Heaven’s call