lightning pulses through my pitch strike me with your presence, stitch the gaping ridges of the aftermath.
dark, is my prism. weak, is my shell. loss, is my repetition.
my gaze is shallow water as the sun begins to bend.
when nothing grows, we hunt each other. attempting satisfaction of the flesh, we eat meat. carnivorous campers hiking through hail, we retreat.
parting clouds, beams, breaking through our moisture. the rays build our spirits to cast shadows. evening arrives.
flames draw our photographs and we're captured in thought. candid sweetness, through darkness we fought.
today is the first rain since those memories and everything I swore I couldn't feel last winter comes rushing, swinging limbs, swinging branches and I'm barreled. all boxed up in the lack of things. swinging gently before the snap, my body descends as I open my wings for flight there's no surprise in my eyes as the past repeats itself for I am punished by gravity every time I surrender to survive.