In plain sight and vivid red hues our discontents and insecurities scream for distractions resident unhappiness and angst don defensive camouflage and rage into attack modes shame dishes out slanders and smears while guilt twist forth projections and distortions per se outcries of end justifies the means bad blood surges as adrenalin pumps pulses and hearts the fix's needed for fixes by the weak underused brains stays starved as damaged minds spins internal combustion reeves on full the shoulder monkeys laugh and goads good going mates in the chamber of lost reasoning's silenced sages shake heads watching as inner organs calcify all living cells are contaminated that most essential Life Force of Spiritual influx and balance had long ago been dismissed and banished you and I see them working eating laughing and playing we do not see the tumours they've crept in armed with malignant intents and purpose we do not see till its too late