Take a look around Dont let your sorrow But bring you down The birds are still singing And in your heart Hope is still lingering The sun but hides behind a cloud
Take a moment Stop And listen To your soul Love still softly whisper All is not lost All is forgiven If you take a single moment to listen
Heartaches were never ment to last What happened is now but in the past Tomorrow is a day eagerly waiting But here and now Love is embracing Today is all we ever have
Take a look around you Lift your head up to the clouds Nothing ever realy Will get and keep you down Strength comes from understanding That Hope will outlast Fear is but a feeling Hidden behind a mask
Heartaches were never ment to last Dont let another moment By you past When sorrow ends up leaving A new dawn comes to pass And love will still be present If you can still believe Today is all we ever have
And know that when the End nears Its just a new Begin Love will still be keeping Your heart within When you take another listen The answers are agiven Just take another look now Your closer than youre thinking All will be forgiving Yesterday is leaving tomorrow still is lingering Today is all we ever really have