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Aug 2013
She stands with her hands together,
and her head down.
She thinks of the past day,
and all the sadness that was around.

First her mother who died when she was so young,
now her father, from the cancer in his lungs.
Just becoming single she feels so alone,
now everyone she loved seems to be gone.

Popular she may be,
they surround her; honey to a bee.
lost and scared,
tired and teared,
nerves on edge,
broken pledge.

They promised her they'd be there through it all,
now anger fills her heart, and she screams a heartbroken call.
She screams so loud the animal all flee,
every single bird flew out from every tree.

Suddenly a breeze hits her in the face,
and it seems like a whisper of beautiful grace.
A whisper in the wind,
that seems to calm everything that lies within.

Another wind gust and definitely a voice.
She strains trying to hear and it sounds like the word choice.
She pleads for more, but no more wind came.
It figures she thought, now I'm insane.

Supposedly going to stay at her aunts,
she takes the long way and thinks about the wind taunts.
Always believing in God she just ponders the wind,
then out of nowhere it comes again.

Patience my child you have been so brave,
you are not alone  and we are not buried in a grave.
This place is more than what you ever could have dreamed,
Know that we will be with you even though we can't be seen.

Go forth my child and don't dwell on us.
Don't be angry with God, don't dwell and fuss.
The wind dying down gave ten more words to Jo,
We will always love you we hope that you know.

She stood out side for hours everyday praying for whispers in the wind,
waiting for anything more her parents could send.
As times went on she sometimes felt the wind and heard a voice,
Love you, patience, faith, so proud, it's your choice.

The girl accomplished her goals, well most it seems
she got into Stanford, got a masters, and that was her biggest dream.
She fell in love and the man was the kindest and best God could send,
but every time she felt the air, she would stop and listen for whispers in the wind.
Jesse Belcher
Written by
Jesse Belcher
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