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Sep 2021
Last night, I became awake in your deliciously dreamy enchantment
Your starry, blossoming being like an aesthetically appealing dahlia
Your springtime seemliness providing me the sweetest lavender poetry

I feel my universe burst into exhilaration, the way you take me
Into the awesome dawn of your heartland, holding me close
Stroking the tenderly penned poetry of my body breathlessly

I drown in your unnumberable depths of affection, your thrillingly
Toned chest, your dopacetic biceps, your deeply cut abs, your
Well-built hips and thighs, how I desire to weave our empires

I want to caress the sizable and extraordinary gardens of your heart
Embrace your serene stems, your dreamlike leaves, your perpetual petals, feel the dulcet beat in your velvet existence rouse my feelings

I crave to consume the various voluptuous verses throughout your
Superbness, watch you sparkle in the moonlight as my fingers sinuate
Over your fragrant formation, dreaming up loving honey

That glistens in my temple of thoughts, extricating my nation
As I become a blushing bright diamond in your mouthwatering
Paradise, your luxurious highs, your whispering forever’s

You take my body to rosy and showy places to stay, encloses me in your hard empowering dynasty of sumptuous muscles, how you magnetize my eyes with your striking stances, your beautiful body hair

I thirst to be covered in your poeticized devotion, diaphanously
Kissing the salacious trail that takes my thirst-quenching lips
To the space station vacation of your finely framed V-line

Like love lingering supremely serene wind, you have my limbs
Lost in motion, my emotions floating in blue southern oceans
Entrapped in your amazing embracement, in your cuddle shuttle

Wrapped in uncountable sensations I can’t translate, I become
An ardent target of ageless affection in collision with your vision
Of bliss budding ideally, taking me into your electric consummations
Travis Green
Written by
Travis Green  30/M/Middlesex, NC
(30/M/Middlesex, NC)   
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