My thoughts hang in the air above me like poisoned arrows that refuse to be removed. I am wading in the abyss of loneliness that you threw me into and living with the fear of it quickly becoming a whirlpool. But even if my biggest fear comes true, I do not think that I would resist the swirling waters pulling me deeper into nothingness. There is a certain comfort that comes along with the sadness you have handed to me on a silver platter, and that is the knowledge that others are feeling the exact same way as you are. You are not the first person to experience sadness, nor will you be the last, and you are not the only one fighting against it right this very moment. Even with the world resting on my shoulders and the effect of your words dripping crimson onto the cold white floor, I am inclined to remind others that they are not alone in this because even when the people who promised they would be there for you are no longer, there's always someone to pull the knife out of your back so long as you pull out theirs.