The mad starring eyes holds the giveaway look within and see the fixation wrinkled brows lined the receding forehead a suffered soul with the pains etched on thinning hairline and greying temples beckons the imminent baldness not far off scraggy unkempt moustachioed mouth shades darkly into greyed unruly beard around a weak Caucasian chin and jawline a bulbous nose sits in the middle of a face neither remarkable or fetching
Look closer into the mad eyes and read the face you'll see the little man still looking for a purpose yet caught in a flummoxed of insecurities caged in frightened gaze that bewitches vapidity shooting pretentious visions underlaid with alarm the arched eyebrows over sunken panda eyesΒ Β gives a withering comical look that is quickly challenge by that 'recently released from psychiatry detention' ambiance of the man he emanates pathos much like the ****** who claims he's a stud he fancies himself a poet on a quest and poses grotesque absurdities like a Galaxian quester shooting deers the obsession of a pathetic loser that never grew up the locum residential mad poet in fission fixation