BE REAL I ask who you are? YOU REPLY to quickly REHEARSED Of course It's human nature a: NATURAL REACTION a: DEFENSE MECHANISM I can tell YOU'RE NOT the only ONE BE REAL Not just to me but EVERYBODY INCLUDING YOURSELF Don't fear who you are ACKNOWLEDGE the FLAWS SCARS PAST INSECURITIES and all thee ABOVE BE REAL tell me how YOU FEEL without MASS appeal BE REAL Life is to fragile life is to short life is to familiar for US ALL to BE THE SAME BE REAL Amongst a world of fakes filled with actors and actresses the "MR" and "MRS" PERFECT selling and telling the dream they don't BELONG TO for far to long that they forget what is true and false LOST BE REAL love yourself learn from the past REARRANGE things CHANGE things Allow things to PROMOTE YOURSELF GENUINELY BE REAL You deserve to others desire THE REAL YOU but most importantly SO DOES YOURSELF BE REAL