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Aug 2021
Now It's Clear That Some Heads...  
Need To See That I GET IT... !!!  

..... Can DISCREDIT.....  
Your Claims To Be IMPRESSIVE...  
In Art That You're... Representing...  
Now It Could Just Be...  
of The... Level of BELIEF... !!!  
That Might APPEAR To EXCEED...  
..... HUMILITY In Me.....  
But It’s Simply THAT...  
And That’s... A FACT... !!!  
Or Maybe It’s THIS...  
The Current SOFTENING...  
of How People Live...  
Well In FACT EXIST... !!!  
Due To VIRUSES...  
And... Contrivances...  
That Have Now...  
On... Various Levels... !!!  
People Are DISHEVELLED...  
And Just Like Killah Priest...  
Have HEAVY MENTALS... !!!  
But NOT LIKE Him...  
Or Guys Like... ME... !!!  
Who Is An... ARTIST...  
Who Has MORE Lyrics...  
Than MOST Lyricists...  
Who Are In The Business...  
of Making... HITS... !!!  
So TRUST When I Say...  
That... I DO GET IT... !!!  
BUT My Wordplays’ NOT GENERIC...  
Or Written For... COMPETITIONS... !!!  
What I Write Is SERIOUS STUFF... !!!  
I Know That Some Are Just Poking FUN... !!!  
But Some Clearly BELIEVE...  
That BIG VIRGE Doesn’t See...  
That He Needs HUMILITY... ?!?  
And Yes I’m Now Talking...  
In The... THIRD PERSON...  
Because... BIG VIRGE...  
Is Just Another Version... !!!  
of Who The Man VIRGIL...  
REALLY Is... TRULY... !!!  
A Man Who Deals...  
In... DEEP ARTISTRY... !!!  
So My... EXPRESSION  ...  
Is Just What STRENGTHENS...  
That Sometimes Reach...  
BIG PARTS of... My Psyche... !!!  
But As A Good Buddy...  
Said To Me... Recently...  
“Don’t listen to the haters Virge,  
because your use of verse,  
when it’s well observed,  
does show superiority,  
that’s above the artistry,  
that nowadays comes cheap,  
with egos that exceed,  
the place where they should be !”  
So You See...  
It’s A DIFFICULT Thing... !!!  
To BALANCE EGOS That Live...  
Inside... SERIOUS Artists... !!!  
So BEFORE You Think It’s COOL... !!!  
To Start Making CLAIMS...  
And To Hurl Abusive Views...  
About An EGO...  
That You ASSUME...  
Is A... MASSIVE Part...  
of The Big Virge DUDE... !!!  
DON’T Get It CONFUSED... !?!  
I’ve Said It BEFORE...  
And I’ll... Say It AGAIN... !!!  
My Style Is RAW...  
And DOESN’T Play...  
… I STAND ALONE... !!!  
And DON’T Write For The Folks...  
Who Take Life For A JOKE... !!!  
I’m A SERIOUS Bloke... !!!  
Whose Poetic Quotes...  
Are Those That Go...  
With The Type of Egos...  
Whose Art Is DOPE... !!!  
And This Has Been Expressed...  
By A NUMBER of Heads...  
On The WORLD WIDE WEB... !!!  
From DIFFERENT Continents... !!!  
And From Those Who Were There...  
And Were In MY PRESENCE...  
When I’ve Performed Poems...  
LIVE And... DIRECT... !!!  
So That’s Right I’ll DERIDE...  
Artistry That I Find...  
DOESN’T Exercise...  
My Body Or Mind... !!!  
In Ways That ELEVATE... !!!  
Or Make My Hips GYRATE... !!!  
And BELIEVE Me When I Say...  
That I KNOW My Art Holds WEIGHT... !!!  
And Is Just NOT Seen As... GREAT...  
Because My Ego DOESN'T DEFLATE... !!!  
Around Those Who BELIEVE...  
In The HYPE That They Receive...  
From The Media And TV... !!!  
And Because...
UNLIKE These Heads Who EXUDE...  
… The Type of EGOS...
That Could COVER Up THE MOON...  
I DO TRY To Keep Mine COOLED...  
But To Write In The Way...  
That... I NOW DO... !!!  
“ Of Course I’ve Got One Too ! “
It's a fine line that you have to keep a close eye on, however, critics and those who are quick to accuse people of being certain things, should maybe take some to THINK, before doing it ... !!!
Big Virge
Written by
Big Virge  Barbados
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