You devote twenty four seven craving my attention you're hooked line and sinker cause I'm worth it but you all just have to accept you are of no benefits I do understand insignificance crave attention want it so they can feel a smidgen of some sort of power even if its counter-productive or just an illusion its the nature of the vain beast to snarl and bare teeth its the threatened cat arching its furry back its the gorilla beating its chest letting out a howl its the bantam cockerel puffing up coloured feathers its average Joe clutching ballot papers at elections its you and you playing imaginary chess to hide your fears you see I do understand your plights see your pains and angsts but you do not engage my attention twenty four seven you are first world indulgent prats spoilt vacuous nonentities with more idle time than good senses full of tantrums and fury signifying nothing but your ignorance and feeble spines only when I'm bored and want some laugh and to take the **** do I take a peep to see what kidadults are throwing out of the bathwater ahh..sob sob, Look its Philips, he called us lazy lowlife thieves he told us to go and get jobs and earn an honest living but look he has everything we don't have and he's black with a silver spoon Ahh,,,big ignorant babies do stop crying we'll get Red Big Brother to smack the hell out of Philips to teach him a lesson he'll never forget will that make you stop crying and stamping your poor little feet....