How it deranges the stalwarts albinos from hither and thither wrestling pale apoplexies on the loose sails the Standard bearer never one held as cargo for the auctioneers block see but a singular scholar of distinction unfolded not in cotton or cane bushes in sweated bow rather resplendent sublime self ownership disdainful of ****** wanton lures in porcelain thighs not in ***** dens nor in hands with knaves unknown at ale houses chasing demons in fire water neither seen at toss and turn for a quick buck a paragon worthy from the high table of the landed in inherent grace and noble favour thus to all hicks and serfs the anomaly of our woes and raging curse of our discontents in envy they toil as they languish perdition and strife a moor with more than the wretches come bear arms heathens and conquer this nightmare we are the harlequins of animal farm hahaha hahaha hahaha
satire, mass, frustrations, first world problems, small minds, ignorance