The poet in me Understands that I am A foreigner in their world Someone who lives Outside of time Belonging to the heart Of the universe An unheard-of star Sparkling spiritedly To the few people Who see the concrete me
I wander in rampant realms Enveloped in shadow Staring at every person At a regularized reality That didn’t come across As being fond of me Everything they see within me Contrasts vastly with their lifestyle
My life as a homosexual Has created separation And agitation among many ones They don’t see me essentially as I was before Before the door was unlocked And I was exposed I used to be a part of their world Existing inside of time Feeling rapturously refreshed Loving the way I conjugated With their creations Feeling favored, validated Like the luckiest boy in the world
But when that door came open And I was thoroughly explored I began to lose more friends than a few Even the closest ones I thought would stay Settled upon walking away in downright confusion Most people don’t comprehend What it means to be a gay man And so, they greatly rejected me Left me in separateness
Now, I traverse with the universe Taken in the wings of its existence Tremendously loved for being shamelessly me Shielded in its far-ranging strength Blessed with abundant gifts to use To express my creative side To the rare ones who are in harmony With my distinctiveness