I am a graceful gay gem Glistening lovingly With the world around me Feeling astronomically vindicated Overawed by the way The prepossessing scenery Steals me away from reality To lock me in its arms And enswathe me in its thrall
Take me into the nakedness Of the luminiferous landscape Feel the ceaseless stillness Sweep me up off my feet As I excitedly glide high In the wide, angelical sky My life attune with the vast Enthusiasm breezing beautifully In the harmonizing horizon
Feeling the grandiloquent gaiety That environs my human flesh The honeyed rhythms revolving in hotness The thorough warmth that embosoms me Kisses me, strokes me tenderly Caresses me caringly, escorts me Into the musical fantasies of heavenly happiness I am at a place of princeliness, wholeness, peaceableness