Please do not expect better from them they are not cherished products of love merely commercial enterprises economic necessities you see down at that level without adequate means or qualifications they are produced for State Family Benefits one gets you a flat away from parents and weekly payments till kid age five two gets even bigger flat and more time to stay watching daytime TV do your sums and produce accordingly and you don't have to work ever and Social and free housing will increase in proportion to size Husband is not necessary apart from the deed bring a husband or live in partner you will lose more than half free State money so what's the importance of husband or men when it will cost you rather than enhance so please understand their plight no role models no discipline or values to shape not much expected from them just get in line and do as all the others do till you can start your own cycle of producing babies for money and rent-free accommodation so please be aware that fertility is extremely important when choosing partners as is age and grey hairs and make sure they are not skinny so when economic necessities talk and advise please make sure you listen to them and take all they state on board, they have no doubts about anything they know all the doubts regarding life love and relationships