I hate myself sometimes The way I think The way I act The way I look The way I wish My life was a book
I hate my body And the lack of will power I have to make it better I just sit around Drawing pictures on a letter Hoping one day I wake up different But that'll never happen Since my laziness is deliberate
I sit around and act a fool Wishing I could change things But I'm not even proactive I guess this is what nothing brings
I'm full of self loathing It really holds me back No one will ever want me So what's the point in that
Maybe if I loved myself I could find the determination To fix all my flaws And make real my imagination
Being a girl ***** There's so much pressure Put on us To act a certain way And walk as if to sway We're normal ******* people Wanting to be treated equal
I hate myself And I know Happiness depends on me But what if I just want to flee Away from here Rid my mind of fear And only focus on nature Rather than on failure