At age eleven I was sitting with the older ones as they discussed Plato and Aristotle By twelve I was driving my father around and was also the class Prefect by thirteen I was running business errands for my mother by fourteen I was leading a Scout Group by fifteen I was a lead Debating star by sixteen I was dating the prettiest girl in the whole Girl's College also a star pupil and the College lead singer Now had I been corralled in some skulduggery political movement preaching envy and resentment propagating divisive immature politics and instructing me how to sabotage harass and hate would I have learnt how to be a confident intelligent and assured fellow I was taught to aim high and be inspired by those that shine and achieve not to hate them and try to bring them down very very few run with the pack to become geniuses or respected leaders though its quite alright if you want to be leader of gangsters Do your thing