There's a dot following me around staring at me it has no depth no height length or width and it's everywhere
you can't put your finger on it but without it there would be no line and with no line there could be no dimensionality and without that there would be nothing at all so in spite of myself and all my sentiment about being human at the core I know I've emerged from a mere dot dimensionless and beyond the mind a no-thing and that is my god because from that like all of creation that's where I come from and ultimately where I'm going back as i go forward
you can't find it directly in religion, myth, belief, faith or anything external but it is perceivable with in and you can feel it like an elevator going to the top floor
and it wordlessly whispers one thing repeatedly relax, calm down, keep your eye on the prize and if you look anywhere else for me you're ****** to hell
I've been looking at it now for fifty years and i can show it to you