The kind of treatment I need can no longer come from a bottle. I need to wander around the city late at night. I need to spend all day drinking coffee and looking around a second hand book store. I need to exchange life stories with a stranger, and then never see them again. I need some space for the time in my head to justify itself. I need to tour an art museum. I need to go to the beach and sit in one spot all day. I need to go 24 hours without any form of human contact. I need to sing, and cry, and scream loudly in my car, speeding down the highway. I need to go to the movie theater for a triple feature all by myself. And lastly I need to get a big bottle of gin, And a bigger bottle of pills, And have a nice big meal with the two, And take a nice long nap. Because the kind of treatment I need, DOESN'T EVEN ******* EXIST. Sorry about that.