Please tell Mr Whatever to crawl out from under his stone staying too long under rocks will affect his pigmentation imagine already crippled then comes out looking like eroded chalk where are the soldier fantasies and delusions or the twisted tag that blazoned the exact opposite of what he claims to be please help me out to continue his pontifications how else do cowards live if not in faceless guise they holler to bellow if just to feel false significance for a minute then only to crawl back underground hoping no one ever knows their secrets and the little penises not to mention how inadequate and inconsequential and talentless they really are Come out Mr Whatever and boost your delusions of control like when you fought in Vietnam, Iraq and Montego Bay such shame for such valour now hidden behind a screen trolling is this what the modern brave capable trained and upright male is now reduced to
Do not worry, Mr Whatever has multiple profiles from multiple Nations and also crosses genders as fitting, he skips from one to the others at will, so the hapless Mr Whatever is still busy at work, how else can he distract himself from his inadequacies and self-loathing, you know these lame things always need a target.