I’m calling a ******* line and telling them that I don’t think my first girlfriend ever loved me. They ask me what I’m wearing, trying to divert the conversation, and I ask if emotional baggage counts. I push a hand between my dry thighs and ask them if they like their job. I ask what their favourite flavour of ice cream is, and if they’ve ever eaten it in the sunshine and felt okay. I ask if they have someone back at home that they’re doing this for, or if they just like monetising a soft voice. You have a very nice voice, I say, and they laugh, awkwardly. Kindly, they ask if I meant to call the Samaritans instead. I say no, they blocked my number, and they expect me to be killing myself every time. Are you killing yourself now? Slowly. Do you have a boyfriend? No, baby, I’m all yours. Don’t lie. I have a baby on the way. I’m just trying to make ends meet. I get it. Me too. By the way, do you even like ice cream? Not really. Me neither. I don’t know why I brought that up in the first place. Are you lonely? Right now? Yeah. Now. A little bit. I am killing myself, by the way. I just wanted to talk to someone before I go. That’s okay. Your call will be charged anyway.
From a portfolio I wrote in third year of university, titled 'Infestation'.