Shamed and outwitted by the ennobled the white humiliated thieves and their tribal folks cried 'attack is the best form of defence' they could not defend the right to work in honest toil nor right to respectability and lawfulness neither could they defend racist hatred and equality but to steal from a black is totally defensible this particular one dared judge them and called common scums
Disgraced and humiliated the white thieves called out the mob to dish out hell's fire and brimstones does that black sleep with fishes or slow death Macaffertys of Eastside have been threatened with exposure get the gangs out there's a crow to rub out use all options available from character assassination to wipe-out hound harass stalk gas-light discredit intimidate fabricate misinform Disinform sabotage destroy block and isolate
Black man withstood all knowing his innocence Macaffertys terrorize the neighbourhood stealing all around to us next door they started extorting weekly money bullying making veiled threats and emotional intimidation when the weekly payout stopped they burgled No more says black I am not going to let you play games with me you're racists you're thieves your are lowlife criminals the game in town these days is called Republican Revolution also know as Criminal gangstalking a black who stood up to them