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Jul 2021
In vain would many useless dreams be cherished by the proud consciousness, but the serpentine-killer Being spikes are constantly injuring our arms! In the cracked crevices of roof tiles, like a straining medical temper, he stretches the boundaries of insidious water drops of insidious water drops; thief as a stalactite of icicles weaving icicles the cherishing roof of the home house! In the spaces of my accumulating, commissioning years, I meditate many times long! Let me ****** you calmly rabbit tail, undigested miracle!
How much can my faithful culture be worth in the unfaithful-unworthy present?! The eternal-child's heart-busting harbor-kills comforted them with their rocking dreams and message that on the heart-stage of the games we can always be one-of-a-kind Unity halves of our other half! What kind of noble service existence can it be, which returns to its spiral circles selfishly, while mourning the past and the future at the same time?! - The fallen human heart would wink towards intoxicating, exotic romances, and honey could easily become bitter in the face of its petals!
There is already such a vicious, disenfranchised grace in the flirtation of angels that an orphaned shipwrecker can only understand with stuttering; in all innocent, childish sadness I mourn the volatile movement of my blonde being! I watch as a frightened, petty animal that dreams voluntarily fall into the redemptive Nirvana Gorge into nothingness! Conversely, I carry skewed shadows alternately in my soul and in my curving back as well! "Behind the backs of silence, the well-conscious, sneezing ness digs a pit:" You can rarely defy yourself alone with your destiny! " - Days of residual embers glowing in my green eyes pond, and I would wait for my liberating Beloved!
Norbert Tasev
Written by
Norbert Tasev  36/M/Hungary
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