A day to celebrate America’s Birthday was an illustrate Battles past and present became wars America has the wounds being scars Yet Racism is a battle within itself Felt near and far From Towns to cities Loss of love one’s always has a pity Freedom for some but not for all The voice for Freedom continues to be the call Songs of God Bless America and America The Beautiful This is what has kept America youthful My Country Tis Of Thee America rose from the ashes for all to see It wasn’t easy, but became a determined task The strength of a Nation It’s America’s narration The Statue Of Liberty stands for all immigration Forefathers who gave a speech We The People the declaration reach America still stands today Get in touch with your fellow American’s in every way Happy Birthday America on this day We are all proud American’s Our love for our country USA in precision So Red, White and Blue continue to protect and carry through You are America strong Your shine and light is your symbol alone Now let there be a sing along America, America Stand in glory That’s your story Rise and continue to rise Happy Birthday America due Today well into tomorrow your promise America Red stead, White seeing yonder and blue with a continued military mission to pursue Stand Up and carry on This is my America where I belong