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Aug 2013
From the straits of Norway
we did sail back to sea
as we were hunting
the mid Atlantic convoy  

Many tanks and troops did reside
in iron boats we did see top side
we were one on seven wolves
and all did know their course

We choked at depths
as destroyers hounded us
but we did silent run
there was no communication, none

We knew U 37 and 29 were near
but only at night would we meet
and under the stars we would
with silent salutes did greet

Some of the poor *******
it was there first time at sea
and they stank like rancide dogs
as we always did like frozen hogs

None shaved for there was nothing to shave for
not when you are hunting a Mid Atlantic Convoy
we would kiss our torpedoes and write goodbye
as we shot them to hell for the conveys

We never saw 29 or 37 come back
I still pray for those submariners
and 22 and 48 burned big time
only three got back home

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Christos Andreas Kourtis
Written by
Christos Andreas Kourtis  London UK
(London UK)   
   Jai Rho
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